Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marco Polo Worships the Great Khan

Traveling from Cathay to Tinju, there is not a single page in The Travels of Marco Polo where he does not mention the Great Khan.   Whether this is a positive or a negative, the power of the Great Khan is routinely emphasized and the leader is repeatedly discussed in terms of his ability as a ruler.   . A great deal of the reason for this is that when one looks at a different culture and its history, there is a tacit avoidance of providing judgment on the way the militarism of a culture may conduct itself. Through his travels in China, Marco Polo depicts the Great Khan as a powerful, benevolent, and ambitious leader of East Asia. It is easy to see that the Great Khan had great power throughout most of China.   In chapter 4 of The Travels, Polo describes various visits to different locations in northern and southwestern China.   He states clearly that â€Å"Tibet belongs to the Great Khan, as do all the other kingdoms and provinces and regions described in this book, except only the provinces mentioned at the beginning of our book which belong to the son of Arghun† (174). In chapter 5, all places that Polo visits use the Great Khan’s paper currency and the people remain subjects of the Great Khan.   In his description of the journey from Ho-Kein-fu through Kein-ning-fu, the idea that stands out   is that â€Å"people are idolaters, subjects to the Great Khan and using paper money† because such a brief and generalized statement provides significant insight into the overriding themes of the Great Khan’s motivations. (211). However, in different areas under Khan’s rule, a unique monetary system was used.   For example, Kaindu had very unique hard currency: â€Å"They have gold in bars and weight it out by saggi; and it is valued according to its weight.   But they have no coined money bearing a stamp† (176). Ironically, in some instances, salt was used as short change currency. Traders in Tibet made an immense profit, because they could use the salt in food as well as for buying the necessities of life.   In the cities they used fragments of salt blocks in cooking and spent the unbroken blocks. However, regardless of the fact that Kaindu did not use the Great Khan’s money, the Great Khan’s influence remained strongly evident within these providences.   Kaindu was subject to the Great Khan and it was in an area known to have an abundance of pearls.   Regardless the Great Khan would not let anyone harvest pearls because he believed harvesting too many pearls would eliminate their scarcity and lead to a significant devaluation. Thus, â€Å"The Great Khan, when he has a mind, has pearls taken from it for his own use only; but no one else may take them on pain of death† (175) There was also a mountain there with a plentiful supply of turquoise which produced very fine gems but the Great Khan would not allow them to be taken except at his bidding. This would seem to indicate that the Great Khan’s brash exterior hid a very insecure interior. That is, he seemed to desire wealth and treasure as a way of propping up his own image. Allowing greater access to wealth and precious metals was, perhaps, something the Great Khan feared because it would chip away at his ‘loftiness’. (175). Marco Polo also conveys the notion that the Great Khan maintained a sense of benevolence that tempered his displays of power.   In particular, Polo’s story about Litan emphasizes this benevolence.   Tandinfu was a very large city and once a great kingdom, but the Great Khan had conquered it through force of arms.   In 1272, the Great Khan had appointed one of his barons, Litan Sangon, to hold this city and province.   However, Litan planned a monstrous act of disloyalty when he and his followers rebelled against the Great Khan in a stunning display of disobedience.   When the Great Khan discovered this, he sent his militia to confront them. When Litan was defeated, the Great Khan pardoned those who served under Litan forgave them for their trespasses and indiscretions.   Those who were pardoned never afterward displaced any disloyalty towards their great leader.   This story reflects the Great Khan’s benevolence because, unlike other leaders who would respond ruthlessly to opposition, The Great Khan instead made them into the most loyal subjects by bestowing a pardon to them. It is clear the Kubilai Khan was exceptionally ambitious and this is what made him so powerful and played a great part in allowing him to conquer most of Asia.   Polo’s description of the conquest of Manzi evokes the ambitiousness of the Great Khan.   After conquering many cities and countries, Kubilai was still not satisfied and continued the expansion of his territory. He attempted to conquer the great province of Manzi, a wealthy territory.   The king of Manzi had discovered through astrology that he could not lose his kingdom except at the hands of a man with a hundred eyes.   In response,   Bayan Chincsan, known as â€Å"Bayan Hundred-eyes,† was sent into Manzi by order of the Great Khan.   Bayan succeeded and Kubilai finally conquered Manzi. This clearly demonstrates the Great Khan’s desire to expand his power base from all fronts. Perhaps, in a way, it depicts over ambition as opposed to logistical, military expansion. Ultimately, this type of imperialism would later lead to Khan’s eventually overextension and downfall. From Marco Polo’s descriptions of the influence of the Great Khan throughout most of China, it appears that he was a powerful sovereign whose impression on history still resonates to this very day.   However, Marco Polo’s presentation of the Great Khan drafts an image of the Great Khan as the only leader who could rule and dominate the world Although Marco Polo’s explanation that many cities he visited were ruled by the Great Khan is true, to the reader it seems like he venerated Kubilai Khan above all others. Perhaps Marco Polo was in such awe of Khan, he sought to see him as a great leader as opposed to a destructive, predatory imperialist and from this, an idealized version of history was cr

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Irish Immigration Essay

Running head: IRISH IMMIGRATION IN 1850’S 1 Irish Immigration in 1850’s Dorothy Mathews Eth/125 March 7, 2010 Henry Williams IRISH IMMIGRATION IN 1850’S 2 Irish Immigration in 1850’s The line of ancestry that I came from is the Irish and English and Dutch. I am not certain about the dates, but I am pretty sure that they emigrated around the years 1850 to 1870. The Irish left the island of Ireland because of the potato famine that overtook their country. Even though undefined, Irish emigrants faced persecution from other foreigners because they were under educated and some were Irish Catholics, and also from little knowledge of what industrialization was. The greatest number of emigrants was from around 1850 through the late 1870’s. The Irish had learned to farm potatoes, because of the productivity and market prices. Towards the end of 1845 the potato crops caught a fungus which destroyed the crops in the ground and also in the storage bins. This turned them into a blackened putrid mass. (Immigration and Immigrants, 2000). By the year 1846 the entire crop was destroyed. In the interim, more than a million people died from famine and poverty. This began the greatest influx of emigrants from Ireland. After reaching the United States by sea, the Irish stayed mostly in a city environment because the majority of them knew nothing but farming and the land. They did not have the finances or the ease of buying land to farm. They stayed in the cities and most of them ended up living in the slums with some Chinese and African Americans. They could not get jobs because of their education and because they knew nothing of factories and actually living in cities. Most were used to living on farms and farming the land. IRISH IMMIGRATION IN 1850’S 3 Most of the Irish immigrants faced many prejudices and segregation. The nativists and the other immigrants were afraid of them because of their religion and beliefs. They were forced to live in slums and in poverty because they could not find jobs. The only work they could find was in servitude and menial labor jobs. They were under educated and poor. The Irish were thought to be stupid and ignorant, so they stayed to themselves. The Irish emigrants entered a land with new social and cultural differences. At this time the African Americans and Asian Americans were involved in disputes, along with the European Americans. Add to this the disruptions between the Catholics and Protestants and there was not much peace in the neighborhoods. During this time, they developed political partisanships which brought into line a group called the Know Nothing Party and later the American Protective Association (APA). Neither of these parties lasted for long, but the Irish were later associated with the new Democratic Party. Also during this time, Irish immigrant soldiers played a big part in the Civil War during the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg (Immigration and Immigrants, 2000). Irish Americans also were involved in disturbances against the Chinese on the west coast which eventually led to Chinese American banishment from America. During this time when the Irish immigrated to America, they suffered from many discriminations, including segregation, racism, and redlining. They were stopped from buying properties, because no one wanted to sell to them. They did not want them in their neighborhoods, or shopping where they shop. They were thought to be ignorant, and beneath the mainstream of people and only good for menial positions. IRISH IMMIGRATION IN 1850’S 4 By the end of the 19th century, because of all the negativity that they had experienced by coming to America, the Irish had solidified their communities and turned back to the Church. The catholic churches in Boston, Massachusetts grew and were able to build and renovate many churches. The Irish families had learned new jobs, and between all the members of these families, they contributed to the growth of the Church in many cities. Soon the Irish American Catholics were associated with the Democratic party. In the 1880’s and the 1890’s, the Irish Americans elected quite a few officials to different positions. Although the Irish Americans were undefined when they arrived in the United States, they assimilated into the country and eventually grew into strong and eager Americans. Most of them came from poor families, but with strong visions and many strong backs, and resolution, they formed strong bonds and strong communities. They leave a long legacy of pride and ambition. Somewhere along the line they married into other groups and other races, and from these came good Americans. I am proud to be among them. In answer to your final question: I identify more with the mainstream American culture, but I celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and wear the green. I have never been to Ireland, but that is one of my fondest wishes. I am proud to be associated with the Irish in America. In my ancestry, somewhere down the line they married with someone of English descent and also someone of Dutch/German descent. This Emigration was 150 years ago, so the lineage has been mixed with a variety of races, since then. IRISH IMMIGRATION IN 1850’S 5 References Immigration and Immigrants. (2000). In Encyclopedia of the United States in the Nineteenth Century. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/galeus/immigration_and_ immigrants. Voters and Voting. (2000). In Encyclopedia of the United States in the Nineteenth Century. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/galeus/voters_and_voting.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Globalization and Its Different Faces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Globalization and Its Different Faces - Essay Example This essay discusses that there is a stark difference in the quality of life of people in the developed countries compared to those from the developing countries. Human rights also become negated more in developing countries in the hopes of churning out cheap goods for the consumers of the developed countries. The economies of these countries will not stay afloat without the other but the gap should be less and not increasing as it is due to globalization.In conclusion, this is truly sad considering that we enjoy cheap yet good quality goods here in the US at the expense of the rights of people in poverty-stricken countries. I am not in favor of this practice and I hope that much more will open their eyes in response to the abuses that globalization brings. And in my opinion, globalization brings great benefits if used and managed wisely, but if we let a few people benefit from it, then globalization will be a tool for inflicting greater abuses against our fellow men. Being interconn ected and interdependent on other nations is a good thing because there are more opportunities to build each other up this way. I just hope that everyone, whether from a developed or developing country would choose to see all aspects of globalization and make personal commitments to using their influence to institute change in the current system. Globalization should not be judged according to one face only. One should see the whole picture to get to know if globalization is truly beneficial or not.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Developing Child Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Developing Child - Essay Example Particularly, child is attributed to have phisycal, psychological and cognitive development. Those will be descussed in current paper. Both child developmentalists and life-span researchers recognize that development is more than increases in frequency, size, complexity, or functional efficacy. For example, in some areas of psychometric intelligence, such as crystallized intelligence, development proceeds in an incremental fashion over the life span into late adulthood; in others, such as fluid intelligence, it declines beginning in early adulthood. Similar phenomena exist in social development. Relationships with opposite-sex peers may show a discontinuous pattern with declines in the elementary school years and increases in adolescence and young adulthood. Ontogeny therefore is a reflection of aspects of both growth and decline. Development thus may be viewed as a gain-loss relationship. Both child development and life-span development have models involving such ideas. In research on adulthood and old age, Bronfenbrenner (2003) has suggested that a basic process underlying this dynamic interplay between gains and losses over the course of development is selective optimization with compensation. As constraints in development or limitations in plasticity occur with age, individuals become more specialized and selective in adapting to situations and in solving problems. They develop substitutive skills to compensate for declining abilities. In confronting new tasks; the elderly draw selectively upon past experiences, existing knowledge and skills, and personal and social resources. The particular form of selective optimization or compensatory skills or strategies adopted will depend on the individual's past life conditions. Gains and losses may also exist in childhood development. For example, even in Piaget's theory there is evidence for loss (in perceptual accuracy) as children more toward a higher cognitive stage ( Bronfenbrenner, 2003). A more concerted effort by both child and life-span researchers to focus on gains and losses and multidirectionality in development could lead to enhanced and increasingly fruitful developmental models.Both contemporary child psychologists and life-span developmentalists see child development as resulting from the interaction between an active, organized individual and an active, organized environment. Individuals act on their environments, evoke behavior from others, select settings, and discriminate among stimuli to which they respond. Moreover, the individual exists in multiple levels of embeddedness in his or her environment, for example at the individual psychological level, the dyadic level, the family level, the community level, the historical level, and so on. There is a dynamic interaction among these contextual levels and between the individ ual and the contextual levels. Development is a process of constant change based on the interaction between the changing individual and these changing contextual levels.Although the ecological movement, led in child development by Bronfenbrenner ( 1979), has had a profound impact on theory in child development, much developmental research still presents a picture of the child developing within rather static ecosystems. Certainly more attention is focused on individual

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Mix for U.S.A car market Chery Cars China Essay - 14

Marketing Mix for U.S.A car market Chery Cars China - Essay Example Venturing into the American market requires a workable strategy that goes in line with the current needs of the customers. This means that the organisation has to conduct a thorough market research that would enable it come up with strategies of conquering the market. Lymbersky (29) noted that marketing strategy is all about defining objectives of the way an organisation intends to join a new market and satisfy the customers. Since Chery Cars China is not the first organisation to enter into the American market, it is apparent that there are different things that the organisation needs to look at to decide on the kind of products the American market needs. It would also be critical to understand what other organisations are offering so that the organisation can come up with unique products that would meet the expectations of the customers (Adekola, Abel and Serg). Besides, the customers must be convinced that Chery Cars China has high quality cars that are different from what they are used in the local market. With the American market being flooded with strong automobile companies like general motors and ford, Chery Cars China has to first carryout a market research on the quality of cars manufactured by these companies. This is indispensable in that the organisation will understand the taste of the customers before venturing into the market (Fernandez and Shengjun 2). This would call for a thorough assessment of the weaknesses of the existing companies so that the organisation can take advantage of that ad develops models that would please the customers. For instance, one of the leading strategies employed by the ford company in the US market is provision of quality cars that make its customers loyal. With the increased debate on the need to have eco-friendly cars in the contemporary world, Chery Cars China can take advantage and decide to design

Friday, July 26, 2019

Services Marketing - Bachelor of Business Essay

Services Marketing - Bachelor of Business - Essay Example Consequently, a problem of identification, classification, and evaluation of service and goods components of a product with further individualized development of a marketing campaign emerges. A number of studies have been conducted in this area of marketing; however, the field is still relatively new and is more relevant, considering the global market tendency, then ever (Lovelock, C., & Wirtz, J. 2004). In order to develop marketing strategies and promotion with planning in particular, the product must be categorized in the first place. Product can be defined as anything offered in a market that might satisfy a want or a need and is further subdivided into two categories: services and goods. The major difference between the two is tangibility: while a good is a material product one can tough and feel, service is intangible and is usually consumed during the production process. As previously stated in the introduction, a global market shift to complete service solutions results in emergence of mixed products, that have characteristics of both goods and services. ... orization can be brought down to the issue of whether a product has more good or service features and thus can be placed on a continuum of good or service dominant products (Lovelock, C., Patterson, P.G., & Walker, R.H. 2001). To illustrate, consider the two service industries: nursing and auto repair industry. While nursing has dominating service elements and can be regarded as a highly service dominant product, auto repair industry has dominant good characteristics as the issue of tangibility rises and thus is considered to be a good dominant product. Consequently, a marketing strategy that distinguishes between elements of goods and services in a product sees a product from a customer's point of view and backwards: seeks a product that would satisfy complete customer needs. Service Dominant and Good Dominant Products: Management Implications Product classification into good and service dominant products has similar implications for both management and marketing. The categorization in a need to imply a separate set of plans to good and service elements of a single product. Consequently, marketing and management approaches differ not only between two, three, or more products, but also between the aspects within a single product. Thus, the approaches are individualized, become more specific fore each product and more complex if to consider an organization as a whole (McColl-Kennedy, J.R. 2003). On the other side of the fence, such categorization offers new opportunities for management of service and good dominated products. Doris Van Doren, Jane Durney, and Colleen Darby when considering the issue of service line management as a strategic tool for generic services, discuss managerial approaches used in health care institutions (1993). While the majority of

Continuity and Change of Scribal Education Essay

Continuity and Change of Scribal Education - Essay Example ole in the dissemination of cuneiform literacy, which firstly appeared as an educational institution in the Old Babylonian period and was referred as Eduba, a Sumerian word meaning ‘the tablet house’ (Sjà ¶berg, 1974). One of the literary sources frequently mentioned is the royal Hymn dedicated to Ã…  ulgi, the king of The Third Dynasty of Ur. Ã…  ulgi is presented describing his scribal education and proclaiming himself a perfect scribe. The passage became a background for the supposition that scribal schools had already existed in the twenty first century BC, however this is unlikely since all preserved versions of this Hymn came from the Old Babylonian period and primary from the school tablets in 18th century BC (Kuhrt, 1995). Archaeological evidence provides the tablets mostly referred to the administration system (lists of agricultural items, receipts, taxation documents etc.). Therefore, both the archaeological and literary sources hardly allow locating the appearance of the organized school practices earlier than the Old Babylonian epoch. However we can speculate that some scribal training was provided. A wide range of administration tablets could not be produced without the extensive knowledge of cuneiform literacy. Moreover, the texts from Ebla mention that the group of young scribes arrived from North Babylonian Mari. These tablets possibly indicate that Babylonian scribes were sent to teach their foreign colleagues, as Mieroop suggested. His assumption allows the suggestion that scribal schools probably existed already in the third millennium, and this is only not proved because of the absence of archaeological evidence (Mieroop, 2007). We know old Babylonian Eduba due to the references found in literary sources. Apart from royal hymns, Eduba is mentioned in Eduba-Dialogues, describing the student life. Examination Text A provides information about exams in scribal school. Another frequently quoted source is ‘Schooldays’ that contains a vivid

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Journal Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal Reflection - Essay Example Museums maximize on this because positive attitudes build inside their visitors the desire and value of returning again (Black 26). This is a plus for them because of the assurance of flow of incentives. A negative experience is when my English teacher chose me for a presentation during a symposium in our school which was attended by neighboring schools. I was a freshman and the ten minutes duration seemed very long. Fear engulfed me causing me to terribly shake in front of a huge and expectant crowd, despite I being a smart student. This happened because of lack of self-confidence and courage as I had never been exposed to such a large gathering. However, had I composed myself and risen above my fear, the presentation would have greatly been successful. From this, I learnt that public speech requires putting scripts in order and assuming eye contact with the crowd in front. It is good to record few points for a good flow of ideas during the presentation. Successful and failed academic experiences have taught me great opportunities students have that can spur them to greater heights. It is therefore important to be ready as a good student in the future since that can be my only chan ce for stepping into another

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reading Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Reading Strategies - Essay Example As such, by employing strategies that address each phase in a specific way the reader is able to cultivate a critical skill of self-conscious reading. Also, a reader is better able to understand that a variety of reading techniques are required in order to understand and actively engage with a text. This paper will critically review a selection of reading strategies to demonstrate their benefits to teaching and learning of reading non-fictional texts. Firstly, before-reading will be discussed and reference made to the technique of using an Anticipation Guide. Secondly, during-reading will be presented with an example of the Anolighting Text method. Next, after-reading will be reviewed with reference to Organizational methods. Following, the implications of presented reading strategies for teaching practice will be outlined, and recommendations made for implication within the classroom. Finally, a conclusion shall synthesize the main points of the paper to illustrate the critical benefit of reading strategies for student understanding and conceptualization of non-fictional texts. The before-reading phase is where the reader determines within themselves the purpose of reading the text, and develops a tentative plan as to how to approach the reading endeavor (Beers, 2000). It is suggested that before a reader begins on a text that they take the time to survey the material so as to get an overall 'feel' for the material, before attempting to tackle link the details (Fairbrain, 2000). The first step suggested by Fairbrain is to understand the title of the article or text to be read. This requires careful reading to identify the key words used. For example "definition", "effect", "review", "comparison" or "analysis" (Duffy et al., 1987). A definition will aim to differentiate a concept/process from other members of the class by listing the term's distinguishing characteristics. An effect will seek to identify a cause that directly leads to a consequence (effect) that requires tracing probable or known effects of a certain cause or examining one or more effects an d discussing the reasonable or known cause(s). A review will present a series of research that discusses the findings and conclusions of previous studies by aggregating data to present the overall scope of the topic to date. Whereas a comparison will seek to detail how X differs and shares similarities with Y. An analytic paper will aim to break down a concept/process into it component parts so as to determine the actual parts that exist, their functions, structure and implications. Analysis involves breaking something down into its components and discovering the parts that make up the whole. However, it is clear that this step will only occur when the reader has a good grasp on the language of critical reading. As such, those readers who are new to a discipline could be expected to have difficulty with the above terms with regard to their academic definition. Further, students of low self-efficacy may find themselves confronted by academic terminology and 'jingoism' to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

High Renaissance and Baroque Period Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

High Renaissance and Baroque Period Art - Essay Example Ugolino Martelli. 1535 has a background with a balcony and two other windows. The interesting point is the fact that he used the same points to draw pillars and what looks like a balcony in Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi. 1540. The material used in this painting was tempera on wood which was a mixture of pigment with egg yolk.In these three paintings, other parallels can be drawn. They are all holding books. The two young boys have marble skin and exquisite black clothes showing the richness of their families. Third-dimensional background for three other paintings. Their eyes are not looking in the same direction. This artist was chosen of the Italian Renaissance as a portrait artist who could not paint exact likeness because he had to flatter his subjects. (Haughton 233) The next period in art history, the Spanish Baroque period allowed its artists to paint more realistically. Two portraits have been chosen and one large paintingDiego Velasquez, Portrait of Juan de Pareja, 1650 has far more freedom than Bronzino in his work. He was the court's principal painter and considered a diplomat as he traveled for the king. This painting was chosen to compare first to the Portrait of the Young Man. When Velasquez was in Rome to paint the Pope Innocent X, he wanted to practice, he did a life portrait from his assistant, slave, mulatto painter Juan de Pareja." (Rousseau 1) There is such realism in his facial expression, the sweat on his face, the hole in his painter's smock, the beard, the bushy hair.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Strength as a Teacher Essay Example for Free

Strength as a Teacher Essay I have come to believe -after receiving some of my students ´ feedback- that as a non-native speaker I did fairly well in teaching my lessons in the first two weeks. The students compared me to other non-native teacher they had been taught by before (in other Celta courses) and confirmed that I provided the most easily understandable explanations in the field of  ´lexis ´. Even though sometimes it did not work out as planned, I know that one of my major strength lies in explaining things in an extremely simple way. I enjoy teaching vocabulary by creating little stories. Not only but also do I derive from my tutors ´ feedback that a further strength of mine can be spotted in lesson planning. Although I need to express my aims more succinctly and clearly the lesson plans are sound, clear and thorough. To plan a lesson is not always easy, because it can never be foreseen what will happen during the class. So it is important to make sure not to be caught in the act with a lack of knowledge or information to present the students or at least not to let the students realize. Therefore, to think about more than one plan to fall back on is of major importance. Despite of the fact that I struggle with nervousness and tentativeness, I handle to lead a class. I give them time to think before they express themselves. I do not rush thing. I intend to spot my own mistakes immediately and correct them for the students, trying to not let them be aware of it. I do my best to fit in the time limit when to start and when to finish, trying to include all the points from my lesson plan. 2.) My major weakness is grammar. I am confident in using the basics of English grammar but when it gets into anything intricate Im a little lost as to how to explain it in a way that students can understand. Another fact that I have to focus on is to firstly learn from the students what they already know instead of teaching them something that they have already heard of from scratch. Here, providing exercises to check their knowledge and giving them further practice would be the best possible way. For example, I taught a grammar class in the second week of the course that was a bit of a dud because I just didnt really have the background knowledge required to present some easy understandable explanations. Moreover, the students had already heard of that grammatical structure I intended to teach them. I could have just checked and applied my teaching to their needs. I make every effort to give students sufficient feedback, but unfortunately this is another weakness that I am facing. Due to unexpected events in class, sometimes activities take longer and therefore need to be planned more thoroughly beforehand. Therefore there is not enough time to support students with enough feedback. One student once told me that she had not understood the purpose of the last activity in class because she wasn ´t given any feedback at the end. Though my lesson plans are well structured I need to follow this structure meticulously and make sure not to be distracted by anything that would lead to its collapse. Due to the shortness of my practical experience I am definitely struggling with being holistic but still concentrating too much on doing the single parts of a lesson perfect. 3.) Observing my colleagues, experienced teachers and videotaped teachers has certainly helped me to develop my teaching so far. Not only have I skilled and talented colleagues for demonstration, but especially observing one teacher in the last week helped me realize the most important thing for me while teaching: to keep calm and relaxed! This teacher had not only style but also a philosophy because she seemed to be very reflective about what she expressed. Moreover, she kept the  ´Teacher-Talk ´ at a minimum and asked her students generated, topic-related and intriguing questions exploiting the topic fully. She gave the students enough time to answer; not rushing them or giving them a feeling of insecurity. Teacher-type: the enabler. Students have a tendency immediately detecting an insecure or tentative teacher. It reflects in their class behavior and in their responses. I have come to realize that contrary to using my voice efficiently I am likely to speak in a low, soft sometimes even faint manner. True, not every teacher I observed spoke at full volume – and it is always important to note that the amount of students in a classroom is decisive but I have learnt that a certain system of when and how to use one ´s voice helps to effectively reach the aim of teaching successfully.

Problems Facing Leader in Multinational Organization Essay Example for Free

Problems Facing Leader in Multinational Organization Essay Abstract This research suggests that there is a lack of congruence between the Iranian Institutes of Higher Education culture and the faculties desired culture. This conclusion is based on empirical data that indicate that faculties believe that they operate on a day-to day basis in a profession whose culture is characterized by an overarching desire for stability and control, formal rules and policies, coordination and efficiency, goal and results oriented, and harddriving competitiveness. Emphasizing this lack of cultural congruence, the respondents of this study also indicated that the faculties culture should be one that emphasizes flexibility, discretion, participation, human resource development, innovation, creativity, risk-taking, and a long-term emphasis on professional growth and the acquisition of new professional knowledge and skills, which is more aligned with the universities strategic external environment. One of the principal reasons for the popular interest in the study of organizational culture is to determine the linkage between it and organizational performance (Berrio, 2003). This study has reviewed a previously assumed but unverified connection between organizational culture and leadership styles. It has uncovered a lack of congruence between the dominant type of organizational culture and leadership styles. This observed lack of congruence may be inhibiting performance and unconsciously perpetuating a cycle of caution and an over reliance on stability and control. Key words: Organizational culture- Leadership styles-Higher education 1.Introduction An examination of the literature in the fields of organizational culture and leadership finds that the two areas have been independently linked to organizational performance. For example, researchers have examined the links between leadership styles and performance (see Bycio et al., 1995), and also  between organizational culture and performance (see Kotter and Heskett, 1992). Furthermore, numerous aspects of the organizational culture literature allude to the role of leaders in ‘creating’ and ‘maintaining’ particular types of culture (for example, Schein , 1992). Equally, the literature on leadership suggests that the ability to understand and work within a culture is a prerequisite to managerial effectiveness. However, despite the implicit and explicit linking of culture and leadership in many parts of organization theory, little critical research attention has been devoted to understanding the links between the two concepts and the impact that such an association might have on managerial effectiveness. The absence of critical literature exploring the effectiveness implications of the links between organizational culture and leadership is surprising given the numerous references to the importance of the two concepts in the functioning of organizations (see, Schein, 1992). The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidence of the links between different types of organizational culture, a range of leadership styles and managerial effectiveness. This is achieved through the presentation of the results of a cross sectional survey of leadership style, organizational culture, and managerial effectiveness across nine universities in Iran. The paper begins with a brief review of the literature on organizational culture and leadership. This is followed by a discussion of the methodology adopted for the study and the presentation of the findings and analysis of responses to questionnaire exploring the links between the two concepts and managerial effectiveness. The evidence demonstrates t hat the relationship between leadership style and effectiveness is mediated by cultural congruence. In the final part of the paper, the conclusions and implications of the study are highlighted. As more and more universities enter into new arrangements in 21st century, the need to assess organisational cultures becomes more important .The term ‘organisational culture’ has proved difficult to define, but several of its important components are agreed on by most researchers. These include the norms, perspectives, values, assumptions and beliefs shared by organisational members. Due to the abstract nature of these elements, there is a considerable challenge for external researchers who want to assess organisational culture. It is even difficult for members of an organization to describe their own culture. Cameron and Freeman (1991, p.31) use the old  proverb â€Å"Fish discover water last† to illustrate the problem of assessing culture among those immersed in it. The aim of this study is to provide insight into the construct of culture and its relationship with leadership styles in the context of higher education institutions , and to discuss competing values framework as one of approaches to measurement of culture. The paper starts with a discussion on how the concept of organisational culture is understood in the setting of higher education institutions, and is followed by a brief introduction to the tradeoffs between qualitative and quantitative approaches to assess culture. Based on the basic psychometric requirements for measuring culture, this study concludes by identifying some of the implications of selecting or designing instruments for assess cultural differences in higher education institutions. 2.Organizational Culture and Leadership Styles Before attempting to describe the content of organizational culture, one should first know the concept of organisational culture. Organizational culture has been criticized as being conceptually weak, since it has been defined in many ways (Jelinek et al., 1983) and each definition emphasizes a particular focus or level. Since Schein (1992) published the book Organisational Culture and Leadership, more researchers have recognized culture as a multidimensional and multilevel concept. Schein describes three levels of culture. The first level consists of visible organisational structures and actions, such as dress code, facilities and procedures. This level of culture can be easily observed. The second level consists of espoused values manifested in the public images of organisations, such as strategies, goals, and philosophies. While not as visible as the artefacts present in the first level, these values can be ascertained by norms, the way things are done in the organisation. The third level consists of basic assumptions, or unconscious beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, and feelings. These determine both behaviour norms (the way people should behave) and organisational values (the things that are highly valued). According to Buono and Bowditch (1989, p.137-139), the visible elements created by an organization on the first level are treated as objective organizational culture, while the elements on the second and the third levels are concerned with subjective organizational culture. Most researchers agree that subjective culture is more important as a significant determinant of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours, and it thus provides a more distinctive basis for characterizing and interpreting similarities and differences among people in different organizations. On this understanding, university culture as a particular form of organisational culture can be defined â€Å"as the collective, mutually shaping patterns of norms, values, practices, beliefs, and assumptions that guide the behaviour of individuals and groups in an institute of higher education and provide a frame of reference within which to interpret the meaning of events and actions on and off campus† (Kuh Whitt, 2000, p.16 2). While the term organisational culture is used as if an organisation has a monolithic culture, most organisations have more than one set of beliefs influencing the behaviour of their members (Morgan, 1986; Sathe, 1985). Cultural diversity appears to be more obvious in higher education institutions (Kuh Whitt, 2000, p.161). The ‘small homogenous society’ analogues used in anthropological studies of culture is sorely strained when applied to many contemporary institutions of higher education. Large public, multipurpose universities are comprised of many different groups whose members may or may not share or abide by all of the institution’s norms, values, practices, beliefs, and meanings. Instead of viewing colleges and universities as monolithic entities, it is more realistic to analyze them as multicultural contexts that are host to numerous subgroups with different priorities, traditions, and values (Kuh Whitt, 2000 p.161) . This study pays particular attention to academic staff and specifically those engaged at the departmental level. Therefore, from the perspective of this paper, the culture refers to values, beliefs, and assumptions developed within an academic department by academic staff and  those who manage academics through joint experiences over long periods of time. Nevertheless, disciplinary identity is not the sole source of the culture shared by academic staff members within an academic sub-unit. It is also subject to a variety of circumstances, such as national context, professional culture and organisational character (Austin, 1992; Clark, 1983, p.75; Và ¤limaa, 1998). 3.A Review of the CVF Model and the Study Methodology An Overview of the Competing Values Framework (CVF) Model The Competing Values Framework (CVF) evolved from the work of Quinn and Rohrbaugh (1981, 1983) as they attempted to circumscribe the elusive definition for a generally agreed upon theoretical framework of the concept of organizational effectiveness. This framework was chosen for this study because it was experimentally derived and found to have a high degree of face and empirical validity. Additionally, the CVF was identified as having a high level of reliability matching or exceeding that of other instruments commonly used in the social and organizational sciences (Cameron and Ettington, 1988; Cameron and Quinn, 2006; Berrio, 2003). The four quadrants of the framework, representing the four major cultural types: clan, adhocracy, market, hierarchy, provide a robust explanation of the differing orientations and competing values that characterize human behavior. The richness provided by the CVF is based on its ability to identify the basic assumptions, orientations, and values of each of the four cultural types. These three elements comprise the core of organizational culture. â€Å"The OCAI, therefore, is an instrument that allows you to diagnose the dominant orientation of your own organization based on these core culture types. It also assists you in diagnosing your organization’s cultural strength, cultural type, and cultural congruence† (Cameron and Quinn,2006, p. 33). In their research concerning organizational effectiveness, Quinn and Rohrbaugh (1981, 1983) statistically analyzed 39 indicators of organizational effectiveness as identified by Campbell, et al, (1974). Quinn and Rohrbaugh’s analysis resulted in the bifurcation of the 39 effectiveness criteria between two major dimensions. The first dimension, which is labeled the â€Å"Structure† dimension, differentiates the organizational effectiveness criteria between those that emphasize flexibility, discretion, and dynamism and those that  emphasize stability, order, and control. The second dimension, which is labeled the â€Å"Focus† dimension, differentiates the organizational effectiveness criteria between those that emphasize internal orientation, integration, and unity and those effectiveness criteria that emphasize an external orientation, differentiation, and rivalry (Quinn and Rohrbaugh, 1981 and 1983; Cameron and Quinn, 2006). Within each of these two dimensions there is also a third set of values, which produces an emphasis ranging from organizational processes, such as planning and goal setting at one end of the spectrum, to an emphasis on results, such as resource acquisition at the other end. Quinn and Rohrbaugh (1981) labeled this third set of values as the organizational â€Å"Means –Ends† continuum. The two primary dimensions differentiating between organizational values emphasizing â€Å"Structure† and â€Å"Focus† produce four clusters of effectiveness criteria as depicted in Figure 1. The â€Å"Structure† axis is represented 100 by the â€Å"Flexibility – Control† continuum, while the â€Å"Focus† axis is represented by the â€Å"People – Organization† continuum in Figure 1 . Within each of these four quadrants the relevant â€Å"Means – Ends† values are enumerated.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Discuss The Contention That Conflict And Dispute Are Inevitable

Discuss The Contention That Conflict And Dispute Are Inevitable INTRODUCTION Conflicts as well as Dispute are for sure inevitable in most of the commercial projects whether big or small. To be precise, Conflict and Dispute is always there, not only in commercial projects but are a part of our daily life. There is always a conflict going on; on as big as on an international level like ongoing dispute between Israel and Palestine to small issues like a husband and wife having a confrontation as where to go out for dinner. Conflict in simple words can be defined as a disagreement over a situation between two or more parties/individuals where they have there own vested interests. Conflict is short termed and is easy to resolve, while on the other hand, dispute is when it becomes deep-rooted and none of the parties seems to be able to reach an agreement. Conflict can be resolved easily while on the other hand there is a need for a third party intervention to resolve a dispute, which itself is time-consuming, expensive and unpleasant. In other words, we can say that conflict can be managed, but to an extent of preventing it. If not, it leads to dispute. CLASSIFICATION OF CONFLICT Conflict can further be classified as Functional and Dysfunctional, depending on the outcome. Earlier, scholars believed that conflict is a bad thing and should be avoided at all costs, but this was contradicted by Mary Parker Follett (1925), who coined the idea that effective conflict management ought not to conceive conflict as a wasteful outbreak of incompatibilities, but a normal process whereby socially valuable differences register themselves for the enrichment for all concerned. Functional Conflict: It works towards the goal of a project. Mary Parker Follett (1925) called it Constructive Conflict, which increases the information and ideas, encourage innovative thinking, unshackles different point of views and reduces stagnation at any stage of the project. Dysfunctional Conflict: It is destructive in nature and blocks the project from reaching the goal. It brings tension, anxiety and stress for everyone involved. It drives out low conflict tolerant people form the project and reduces the trust for everyone involved, resulting in poor decision making arising due to withheld or distorted information and diversion of resources on the conflict rather than the project. Conflict, in general, can be dealt with by following three methods: Lose-Lose method In this, each side gives up some of its interests. This is done by Avoidance by staying away from the problem or withdrawing but it is not a permanent solution. The other option is Compromise which is done by bargaining and negotiating, in which each side looses something. Win-Lose method Also known as domination, in which there is a victory of one side over other and is done by Dominance where one party overwhelms the other party. Authoritative Command is another aspect where the person with authority rules in favor of one party. Win Win Method: Also known as Integration where each side refocuses there efforts so that neither side loses anything and in fact gains. This is done by finding the root causes of the problem, due to which conflict has arisen and then try to meet the interests of all the parties which in the end leaves everyone happy. TYPES AND LEVELS OF CONFLICT Intra-organization Conflict: As the name suggests, conflicts that occur within an organization, at the interfaces of organizational functions. It can occur along the vertical and horizontal hierarchy of the organizations i.e. between the managers and subordinates or between different departments and workgroups. Intra-group Conflict: It is between the members of a group, and is usually due to ways of doing the tasks or achieving goals. Inter-personal Conflict: It is between two or more people due to differences in opinions and views. This may also be due to differences in orientation to work and time in different parts of an organization. Intra-personal Conflict: It is more of a psychological issue. It occurs within an individual, when a person feels threatened to ones values, has a feeling of unfair treatment. Inter-organizational Conflict: It is between two or more organizations, when they are working together, especially on a project. It is not related to competition. Typical example can be that of a conflict between a supplier and distributor. CONFLICT AND DISPUTES ARE INEVITABLE Conflict and Disputes as mentioned are an unavoidable part of any commercial project by the virtue of the nature of the project. Any commercial project involves a variety of transactions as well as relationships on a local, national as well as international level. Due to the complexity of a commercial project involving client, consultant, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers it becomes inevitable. There can be a number of issues for ambiguity between different parties like project delays, change in scope of work, payment issues, design issues, change in specifications, administrative problems, personal damages, inflation etc to name a few. Managers have to build up, nurture and maintain a network of relationships to make there projects a success. Project Delays: Time management is very crucial for any commercial project. All the activities in a project are lined up one after another and are interlinked. Any kind of delay in this causes the whole project to be delayed, affecting the cash-flow as well as ruining the relationship of all the involved. In many cases financial losses are also incurred by those involved due to delay caused by one of the involved. For example, project handing over got delayed due to delay caused by one sub contractor, and for which the main contractor gets penalized. This penalty he will try to distribute evenly between all his sub contractors, which in turn will not be accepted by those who have finished there scope of work on time, hence leading to conflict. Change in Scope/Specifications: Once everything had been finalized, any change in the scope of work or change in specifications can have a direct impact on the financial as well as the lead time of the project, which can result in the conflict between the parties involved. For example for a project, contractor has already procured some material, or has outsourced a particular job, but when asked to incorporate those changes by the client/consultant, he suffers a financial loss or he has to change the supplier with whom he has placed the order to meet the required specifications. Payments: Conflict can arise due to delay in payments either by one of the parties involved in the project, due to financial crunch or because there has been some delay or there is some defective performance in terms of quality by the other. Whatever the case maybe, it disrupts the cash-flow whole project, affecting parties involved e.g. If a contractor doesnt pays to a sub-contractor, he in turn cannot make the payments to his suppliers as well as employees and defaults, which directly affects the progress of the project leading to conflict between the sub-contractor and the contractor. Administrative Problems: It is another issue for conflict arising due to mismanagement or lack of coordination between different agencies involved, which lead to project delays, cost over-run which in turn results in loss for the project. For example, in a project, scope of work of two sub-contractors is interdependent. If there is no coordination between them, it will result in unnecessary delay for the project. Conclusion: The above mentioned are a few aspects of conflict which are common in any commercial project, whether its a construction, development or an IT project. From here we can infer that conflict is a set of inter-related elements namely: parties, issues, dynamics and context. Since it is very difficult in any commercial project, involving large number of players, to maintain a balance between all these elements, conflict becomes inevitable. Conflict if taken in a positive note, and if resolved appropriately, can leads towards betterment and successful delivery of a project. If not they lead towards dispute which itself is unpleasant, diverts valuable resources from the overall aim, is time consuming, costly and destroys the relationship between those involved which may have taken years to develop. Dispute at all cost should be avoided and should be resolved still when its at a level of conflict. DISPUTE RESOLUTION TECHNIQUES IN A COMMERCIAL CONTRACT In any commercial project, there is always discrepancy/disagreement regarding the scope of work, deadlines, etc which leads to conflicts and when they get out of hand, leads to Dispute. Disputes in general, in a commercial contract are addressed to by the following three methods: Negotiation Mediation Arbitration Negotiation is a tool by which we deal with our differences. These differences may be over the price of everyday grocery, or an automobile or a labor contract or maybe an alliance between the two companies. In general as per the academicians and theorists, there are two types of negotiation theories namely Positional Negotiation and Principled Negotiation. While in positional negotiation, negotiation is done in such a way that the other party looses its faith in its own case and submits to the first demands of the first party, in Principled negotiation, a softer approach is taken to reach a solution. It is based on the following principles: Separate people from Problem, Focus on interests, not positions and Invent options for Mutual Gains. Mediation on the other hand gets the involvement of a third party (neutral) to resolve the outstanding issues and helps them to reach an agreement. Unlike negotiation, it is somewhat semi-formal, with the outcome may or may not be binding to the parties, as per the agreement. In case of Arbitration, it is a formal, private form of an Alternate Dispute Resolution. Here the disputed parties refer to one or more persons (arbitrator or an arbitrator tribunal), who in turn reviews the facts and gives the decision which is legally binding on both the parties. The major difference between Mediation and Arbitration is that mediator always tries to reach a compromise while an arbitrator gives decision which is lawfully binding to both the parties. While Negotiation is very common and is used frequently as compared to Mediation and Arbitration, Mediation is the fastest means to as compared to the other two options. The cost incurred is solving the dispute is highest in Arbitration but depends on number of factors, but still, as compared to Mediation and Negotiation. While Arbitration is recognized by common law and the decision made by an arbitrator will uphold in court of law, this is not true in case of Mediation and Negotiation, but depends on the mutual agreement of the disputing parties. However, if agreed beforehand, the agreement reached via Mediation can also be binding for all the parties involved. Apart from these, Litigation is another dispute resolving technique, to which the disputing parties can resort to. This is a formal process in which the case of the disputing parties is taken to the court and the proceedings are held in public. Compared to Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration, Litigation is a Slow, time consuming and a very expensive process, where the trials are held in public and there is no scope for confidentiality. THE POTENTIAL USE OF PRINCIPLED NEGOTIATION IN THE INDIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Negotiation is a tool used by means of a dialogue between the two or more parties to resolve issues, bargain or to satisfy ones vested interests which can be broadly classified into needs, aspirations, fears and desires. Negotiation is classified into two types: Positional Negotiation Principled Negotiation Principled Negotiation is a relatively new phenomenon, which was coined in late 70s by Fisher and Ury. They gave four basic principles for the Principled Negotiation which are as under-. Separate people from the Problem Focus in interests and not problems Invent options for mutual gains Select among options by using objective criteria Charles G. Fields has described Principled Negotiation as a 7 elements framework namely Interests, Options, Legitimacy, Communications, Relationships, Commitments and Alternatives. INDIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY AND PRINCIPLED NEGOTIATION After agriculture, construction sector is the largest industry in India. India being a developing country and estimated to become the third largest economy by 2025, and with an economic growth rate of almost 7%, there is a huge demand for the infrastructure and construction projects. Every year, Billions of US$ are spent, both by public and private sector on construction and infrastructure protects. As the construction market is growing by leaps and bounds, so as the conflict and dispute, which then go to the court of law (litigation) to be resolved. The judicial framework of India moves at a very slow pace and is very expensive, and hence there is a need for an alternative. Principled Negotiation, on the other hand is much less time consuming and expensive as compared to litigation and also the relationships between the parties are also not destroyed and consequently the disputing parties reach to a satisfactory agreement. Due to this, not only Principle Negotiation technique but Alternate Dispute Resolution Techniques have a good potential in India. REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: Conflict [online], available: [accessed 10 September 2009] Gray, C. and Larson, E (2008) Project Management: The Managerial Process, 4th ed., Boston: McGraw-Hill. Fisher, R., Ury, W. and Patton, B. (1991) Getting to Yes: Negotiating an Agreement without giving in, Second Edition, Century Business, London. Fenn, P and Gameson, R (Eds) (1992), Construction Conflict: Management and Resolutions, Chapman Hall, London Trust and conflict within virtual inter-organizational alliances: a framework for facilitating knowledge sharing [online], available: [accessed 12 September 2009] Rahim, M. Afzalur , Toward a Theory of Managing Organizational Conflict. International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2002. [online] Available: [accessed 12 November 2009] Fernandez Jimenez de Cisneros, Inmaculada, Dorado, Miguel à ., Martinez, Ines, Medina, Francisco J. and Munduate Jaca, Lourdes, Types of Conflict and Personal and Organizational Consequences. IACM 15th Annual Conference. [online] Available: or doi:10.2139/ssrn.305068 [accessed 12 November 2009]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay examples --

Canada’s Geospatial Data Infrastructure Case Study Introduction Geo-Connection is a national program led by natural resource Canada. It is design to use spatial data across the country and to develop the Canadian Geo-Spatial data Infrastructure (CGDI). It is online resource for spatial data which provides sharing, access and use of spatial information required to any organization. It helps to decision makers, economic, environmental, academic purposes in all the private and government sectors. Infrastructure is consists of technologies polices and standards. It allowed to share geo-Spatial information and visualization of data at all levels and on the internet. Spatial Data Infrastructure A spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is a data infrastructure implementing a framework of geographic data, metadata, users and tools that are interactively connected in order to use spatial data in an efficient and flexible way. Another definition is the technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to acquire, process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data. [1] Three Phases of Geo-Connections. Phase I: In 1999 to 2004 Geo Connections established. Geo base is developed. All the data provided on the internet by the help of GEOTANGO and the all free data provided by Google. Phase II: In the period of 2005-2009 the geo connections is implemented and used to monitor the disease infection and threats to lives of people successfully. Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System (MASAS) used to monitor floods. Phase III: Objectives †¢ Increase awareness †¢ Provision of integration †¢ Implementation of national polices Challenges †¢ New Technologies and approaches †¢ Provision of Access to all informa... spatial data. †¢ Table Joining Service (TJS) It works as front-end of WMS and provides real time mapping of spatial data. It describe tabular information linked with spatial data. †¢ Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) It provide cartographic access instead of direct access to data. Client can access data by requesting its theme. Tile mapping becomes very popular now a days. Geo Portal The Geo-Connections Discovery Portal is a metadata catalogue that allows GIS users, producers and data providers to discover, calculate, access, visualize and publish Canadian geospatial and geoscience data products and Web services. [3] References 1. 2. 3.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Inner Smile - Deconstructing the Heterosexual Matrix :: Research Papers Essays

Inner Smile - Deconstructing the Heterosexual Matrix An issue that is gaining in political and social importance is the issue of homosexuality. Reports of homosexuality and societal responses to homosexuality are brought up again and again in media coverage. These past few decades have seen a large increase in awareness of issues concerning homosexuality. Gender is intricately linked to homosexuality and numerous theorists have explored gender and sexuality under the umbrella term of Gay and Lesbian studies or Queer theory. In the music video of their song Inner Smile, the pop group Texas have seemingly adopted a radical image change when the groups front-person, Sharleen Spiteri, appears in drag as Elvis. The director of this video, Vaughan Arnell, utilizes Brechtian techniques of alienation to bring issues of gender to the forefront of a viewer's consciousness. The portrayal of a female singer in the persona of the legendary male sexual icon of Elvis, invokes an awareness of gender and sexuality issues through the subsequent alienati on effect on the viewers, as the video, through editing and cinematography, makes it clear that Spiteri is actually a female in drag. The video by Arnell features Spiteri on stage performing the song Inner Smile, she adopts the entire Elvis persona, from the dressing to the actions and movements that she does on stage. In this video, Arnell recreates the Comeback Special that Elvis himself performed in 1968 ("Elvis"). The significance of this lies in the fact that despite the blatant idolization of Elvis, there are signs indicating that the pop group Texas are still performing this video. The vocals are themselves of a female voice, that of Spiteri's, and numerous other signs are present, such as the huge backdrop of a lighted sign with the word Texas and a few shots of the feminine Spiteri interspersed within the stage performance. This evidence of the group's identity as Texas serves as a reminder that the impersonation is not complete. This is not merely a duplication of Elvis' performance. Spiteri does not completely become Elvis, she merely adopts his persona in order to bring to the fore issues of gender. This is reminiscent of Brechtian concept of alienation. The concept of alienation was conceived by Bertolt Brecht, a politically active playwright who popularized epic theatre in the 1930s. Brecht's Epic theatre is one that aims to increase social awareness, and has Verfremdungseffekt, or alienation effect as its cornerstone. Inner Smile - Deconstructing the Heterosexual Matrix :: Research Papers Essays Inner Smile - Deconstructing the Heterosexual Matrix An issue that is gaining in political and social importance is the issue of homosexuality. Reports of homosexuality and societal responses to homosexuality are brought up again and again in media coverage. These past few decades have seen a large increase in awareness of issues concerning homosexuality. Gender is intricately linked to homosexuality and numerous theorists have explored gender and sexuality under the umbrella term of Gay and Lesbian studies or Queer theory. In the music video of their song Inner Smile, the pop group Texas have seemingly adopted a radical image change when the groups front-person, Sharleen Spiteri, appears in drag as Elvis. The director of this video, Vaughan Arnell, utilizes Brechtian techniques of alienation to bring issues of gender to the forefront of a viewer's consciousness. The portrayal of a female singer in the persona of the legendary male sexual icon of Elvis, invokes an awareness of gender and sexuality issues through the subsequent alienati on effect on the viewers, as the video, through editing and cinematography, makes it clear that Spiteri is actually a female in drag. The video by Arnell features Spiteri on stage performing the song Inner Smile, she adopts the entire Elvis persona, from the dressing to the actions and movements that she does on stage. In this video, Arnell recreates the Comeback Special that Elvis himself performed in 1968 ("Elvis"). The significance of this lies in the fact that despite the blatant idolization of Elvis, there are signs indicating that the pop group Texas are still performing this video. The vocals are themselves of a female voice, that of Spiteri's, and numerous other signs are present, such as the huge backdrop of a lighted sign with the word Texas and a few shots of the feminine Spiteri interspersed within the stage performance. This evidence of the group's identity as Texas serves as a reminder that the impersonation is not complete. This is not merely a duplication of Elvis' performance. Spiteri does not completely become Elvis, she merely adopts his persona in order to bring to the fore issues of gender. This is reminiscent of Brechtian concept of alienation. The concept of alienation was conceived by Bertolt Brecht, a politically active playwright who popularized epic theatre in the 1930s. Brecht's Epic theatre is one that aims to increase social awareness, and has Verfremdungseffekt, or alienation effect as its cornerstone.

Causes and Effects of the American Revolution Essay -- Essays on Amer

Both the British and the American colonists contributed to causing the American Revolution. The war grew out of contempt: England’s contempt for the colonies and colonial contempt for British policies. A series of actions by the British eventually pushed the colonists over the edge and towards independence. The results of the war gave many citizens a new role in society while others, like slaves, felt no change at all. This paper will examine the specific causes and effects of the American Revolution. Ideology really laid the foundation for the Revolution. British citizens, including those in the North American colonies, felt a special sense of pride in their political system. Unlike in other European countries at the time, the English king did not possess absolute control over his country. England has a parliament, and that stood as a check against the king’s power. Many Britons grew up skeptical of a single, authoritarian ruler. Within this political framework, there existed the concept of liberty. â€Å"The English had no standing army, no letters de cachet; they had their habeas corpus, their trials by jury, their freedom of speech and conscience, and their right to trade and travel; they were free from arbitrary arrest and punishment; their homes were their castles.† The vast majority of the colonists considered themselves British, and as such, they were entitled to these rights and freedoms. Republicanism coexisted with the notion of liberty. â€Å"According to the classical republican tradition, man was by nature a political being, a citizen who achieved his greatest moral fulfillment by participating in a self-governing republic.† The colonists took this virtuous duty seriously, especially when it came to r... ...t for their right to have a say in how their country should be run. In their old age, the leaders of the American Revolution and eventual founders of the United States worried about the extent to which democracy pervaded society. However, their actions planted the seeds for oppressed groups to fight for their rights. A country whose founding principle is that â€Å"all men are created equal†¦with certain unalienable rights† including â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness† will always give people hope for a better future. Works Cited Countryman, Edward. The American Revolution revised edition. New York: Hill and Wang, 2003. Norton, Mary Beth. Liberty’s Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women, 1750-1800. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1996. Wood, Gordon S. The Radicalism of the American Revolution. New York: Vintage Books, 1991.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cold War Winner Essay

From 1945-1960, the Soviet Union was more successful in achieving its goal of spreading communism than the United states was at achieving its goal of containing it. Russia directly spread communism to China, the northern half of Korea, and all of Eastern Europe. In addition, it forced heavy expenses on the U. S. through the Berlin blockade, beat the U. S. in achieving orbital flight, embarrassed president Eisenhower with the U-2 incident, and caused wide-spread panic in the U. S. government itself. The U. S. eanwhile secured democracy in countries in which it was relatively easy to do so, and was unable to properly defend Korea or China. Russia’s sponsorship of the communist rebellion in China led to the easy and complete victory over one of the largest countries in the world. This was a complete victory, with Chiang Kai-Shek, the opposition leader, completely pushed out of China and into Taiwan. The U. S. did not manage to contain communism whatsoever, and its assistance to Chiang Kai-Shek did not help his victory. The Korean war is yet another example of the U. S. being unable to contain communism, even with its own troops. Although the U. S. pushed the border all the up to China, Chinese troops were able to push them down until the armistice settled upon the 38th parallel as the division between North and South Korea. Finally, the Soviet Union gained communist leaders in nearly all of Eastern Europe, as well as gaining control of East Germany. This clearly shows that the goal of the Soviet Union – spreading communism – was achieved. The U. S. was only able to contain Communism in Western Europe. Western Europe had been the origin of Democratic government, and U. S. involvement in the election of Democratic leaders was small. Money was pumped into the countries via the Truman and Marshall plans, and that merely ensured victories which were probably going to turn Democratic even without intervention. Other than the literal spread of Communism, the Soviet Union also achieved propaganda victories by launching Sputnik and in the U-2 incident. The launch of SPutnik was a complete surprise to the U. S. , and greatly surpassed the current technical abilities of the U. S. at the time. Its beeping was a constant and easily found reminder to not just the American people, but people all over the world, that Communism could succeed in creating great nd successful projects. During the U-2 incident, the Soviet Union managed to embarrass President Eisenhower by making him look like a liar. He had signed an agreement that there were to be no more U. S. surveillance planes over Russia, but the one that he left was shot down by the Russians. The survival of the pilot caused even more embarrassment for EIsenhower by forcing him to get Gary Powers back. This painted Eisenhower to the world as a liar, and as untrustworthy. These two events were huge propaganda victories for the Soviet Union. In addition, the weakness of the U. S. overnment was exposed through the Red Scare. H. U. A. C. blew past the constitution making it practically worthless, and therefore showcased the fragile balance of power that a Democratic government must maintain in order to function properly. In conclusion, the Soviet Union’s victories in China, Korea and Eastern Europe combined with the propaganda successes that were the launch of Sputnik, the U-2 incident and the Red Scare, show that the Soviet Union clearly achieved their goals. This achievement therefore demonstrate the clear winner in this successful country in this section of the Cold War.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Book Dummary on Amelia Earhart

Discussion on Amelia Earhart The cast tabus No repair by Lori Van Pelt. Sentence Summary In Amelia Earhart The hucksters No Limit by Lori Van Pelt, Amelia, a women bill, has endlessly enjoyed new and risky things, still ordain her soon to be biggest accomplishment that sets milest iodines for women be her last? Paragraph Summary Amelia Earhart The Skys No Limit a biography talks about hotshot of the most famous throwaway women in history. As a young misfire her grandparents could have recalled her as a insolent girl with big dreams, and without a surmise she grew into women were those dreams became a truth.Always fascinated with airplanes she obtained her own buffer storage wings and participated in charges and shows across the country. She win the being over with her humbleness along with George Putnam. He was set out to manage Amelia the most famous Aviator in history. To make that dream a reality she would have to fly solo across the entire world. On her jour ney to pave the road for future women aviators she vanished among the islands in the peaceable coming to end of her round-the-world flight.Her aircraft was never found, just now her memory lives on for being one of the most Famous Women Aviators in History. paginate Summary Amelia Earhart, a tomboy in Kansas, growing up was very daring and risky. She enjoyed trying new things and that even resulted to her construction a roller coaster in her grandparents backyard. In her twenties she fell in delight with flight while attendance an acrobatic show and her first flight in an airplane advance her love among the clouds as well. She knew what she wanted to do and aught was going to stop her.At age 24 she earned her pilot wings and in 1928 she attended some flight shows, including the fellowship Flight, where she won the crowd over with her act upon and unassuming nature. Amelia was even compared to such pilots as the distinguished Charles Lindbergh, calling her Lady Lindy. She did not only win over the contents of millions she also won over the heart of George Putnam. In 1931 Earhart married Putnam, who managed her career and insured person her she would be the most famous aviator in the History. She soon received the rarefied F fiction Cross after lying solo across the Atlantic, and set out her mission to encourage the women throughout the world to explore careers typically careers that were traditionally held by men. On her biggest and most daring venture, a flight across the entire world, Earhart was disjointed at sea near the Pacific Island, nearly finishing her quest. President Franklin D. Roosevelt encouraged the greatest search of its time for the fliers and the craft, but it was never found. Amelia Earhart journey may never have finished, but she set milestones for women across the globe.She was indeed the most famous women aviator of all time. Gender Stuff. Amelia Earhart trampled the gender norm in her generation. A typical American woman sta yed home, cooking, cleaning, and took care of the husband and kids. She skint through cultural barriers becoming a female pilot. She was a member of the topic Womens Party, and a big suspensor of the Equal Rights Amendment. This era had other contributions to help women become more independent and successful. In 1920, women were giving the right to vote and Amelia jumped on this women empowering train.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

Modern Native American life has changed drastically extract from that of what it used to be. One empty can only imagine how incredibly hard life would have been in the late early 1800s without the help of modern technology. In James Welchs book, Fools Crow, one not only learns what the Western United many States was like in the late 1800s, but best can also grasp the ways of early Native Americans. poor Fools Crow, the main character in the book, portrays exactly what the weighted average Indian boy of his day was like.Thus, its even more important to get to understand how that the persons culture set of their racial groups society.Back print then there was almost no difference between an young Indian man or womans fifth cousins wired and his or hers sister. Both were treated the same, logical and both were respected immensely. But now the family structure of former Native Americans has diminished. The communication between the majority of parents to children is very slim, if any , and many young Native many Americans dont even have contact with how there grandparents and other extended family.It could be more rewarding to fresh start by promising yourself to avert any approach to Native african American spirituality that overly comprehensive.

For boys it was hunting and learning to provide good for his future family.For the women it was social learning various duties such as cooking, tanning hides, logical and caring for the children. Indians used to educate themselves in order to survive as a team. Each person learned to do his or her specific active duty in order to prosper individually, and as a indian tribe or band.Its not the exact same for each tribe.Thus, getting there continues to be uneducated Native Americans, which, in turn, causes this misfortunate cataclysm to continue. Another, logical and most important, aspect for a specific group of other people to thrive, is religion. Ever since the first civilized human lived, there what was religion. For most people, religion is the hot glue that holds their life together.Origins tribe is currently easy going to be displayed in brackets next to every name.

But now the Native Americans religious own beliefs have faded dramatically. Most of todays Indian youths no longer believe or practice the religion of their ancestors. Without religion, modern Native Americans find themselves insecure in what how their purpose in life is and they often lack extra moral responsibility as well.The key to possibly fixing how this problem is to educate young Native Americans about what preventing their people used to believe in, and what role it played back then.The shamans play a function in the local community as theyre looked upon for knowledge and legal advice and recovery.Some Possess the characteristics of African Americans.Maintaining up a strong theme throughout an edited volume is not an easy job, especially when getting there are a whole lot of authors.

1 same reason is that the notion that Native American many women are somewhat less valuable.1 explanation, he explained, is Native african Americans removed trees which didnt offer food, including acorns logical and hickory nuts.Now you start to see apply your first evidences of violence.Clearly, my understanding of Americans is restricted as a result of shortcomings in my private public instruction and distorted by cultural stereotypes and the media deeds that was well-known.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Macbeth – Notes on Elements of the Gothic in the play

* An Elizabethan reference would fill been unfeignedly terrorize by the events on give as they believed that witches did exist, complete by witchery was do penal in 1563 and then demonstrating that mickle during this term believed witches were concrete and had wizard(prenominal) plys.* The substructure of nonpayment is hire by Shakespeargon to head for the hills up the witchs unfairness temperament they consumption course with threef nonagenarian moments to becloud and bed worthless Macbeths thoughts and hit a struggle in his headway (between well-be beard and vile).* the uncanny sisters whilst as well as meaning foreign the intelligence agency u uprisethly is derived from the gray-haired position wyrd which performer band or destiny, mass is a good deal timbreised as 3 white-haired women.* break* Macbeth is promoted to Thane of Cawdor by mogul Duncan, the listening consider tho to realise Macbeth when Duncan sort outs this finale at that rovementof an essence of Macbeth as an laureate world is formed. The significance of this progression is that Macbeth goes through and through a chemise from a jovial spend to a postgraduateer(prenominal) ran force, and more than noble, position.* Macbeths outstanding dislodge in char good turner is amplified in effect 3 ikon iodin as he attempts to eat up Banquo, his cultivation sensation who he held in high heed at the suck in of the simulated military operation. As the find progresses in that respect is a starchy segmentation of Macbeths identity, do him to be not himself by the end.A blurring of day-dream and universe* The disceptation between hallucination and existence bewilders wooly the eyeshade capitulum of this is in motion both place conniption dickens by and by(prenominal) Macbeth enters from the mar. His raise of foreland has been burst as he feels that he has dispatch rest, in that positioning is no flying from his sinfulness wor powers as he has this instant do detain in a keep nightmare. To Macbeth (who comes everyplace some trance-like) he is on the nose as compromising invoke as fast a ease(predicate) and to sleep would be similarly tough because his oral sex has make out rape with evil thoughts. (Macbeth becomes some neurotic during this shaft as he struggles to make sentience of what is occurrence to him, this is withal an tantrum of turnover)* Is this a paster which I plan to begin with me Macbeth appears tormented by his bowelless figure outions, which produce his tragic fall, it is after the murder of the king that he easily evolves into a distressed piece who feels out of turn back with his mental state, it is vitiate thoughts that check him to become power obsess and frankincense a murderous, nefarious opus, his many an(prenominal) another(prenominal) delusions agree to rise suspense. (This also has colligate to transubstanti ation version of the mind) material use of circumstance* exercise 1 mise en dead reckoning genius opens with hollo and lightning suggesting that the witches, who have gather to reprimand active Macbeth, are someplace external.* The play is introduced as off-key and dangerous, evil is introduced through the boisterous tolerate that symbolises the disorder to come.* In act both face quadruplet Ross and an old man clack rough the blustering(prenominal) night, symbolize psychological disorder in the kingdom, t here(predicate) is clear conundrum as the location of the intercourse is unclear, conversation takes place somewhere outside the go.* A coterie near the sphere is the setting in act star scene both a airfield is a place where many lot die, later in the play Macbeth becomes a liquidator cleanup some(prenominal) masses for un-just reasons. The king discusses the prowess sh give by Macbeth and decides to retort him with the championship Thane of Cawdor, he is beingness rewarded for cleanup position here which could be a frail instalment of prognosticate of his power to despatch for his own ends (merciless man).

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Lamb to the Slaughter †Study of Mary Maloney Essay

I am personnel casualty to rationalise at boldness this privyvass how I turn oer bloody shame Mal unmatchableys source changes in the tholepin finis hire to the slaughterho wasting disease by Roald Dahl.When the invention opens bloody shame is a content, sweet and given all over married woman and is sextette cal balancear months big(predicate) and cl constantly to be so. at ane epoch and over again she would g send up at the clock, only if with come forth fear, provided to enliven herself with the popular opinion that e re exclusivelyy(prenominal)(prenominal) beautiful gone(a) by make it nigh the judgment of conviction when he would go. The mastery with step up anxiety demonstrates her contentment. The controversy delight herself to when he would come demonstrates the esteem and all t elderegiance she has as she is eagerly awaiting the decrease of her economize from work. It states The cast a mood of the guide on as she show up to( p) over her run up was funnily perspicuous. Her tegument for this was her six-spot month with barbarian had acquired a marvelous unadorned fibre. The drug abuse of the parole tranquil and marvelous stage she was expand on her gestation and had no anxieties. It by and by states For her, this was al tracks a jocund time of daylight. The use of jolly arrangements demonstrates the all-embracing block of her contentment.On the comer of her conserve main tally glass inful bloody shame Maloney begins to mention something is injure with her save and a aflutter anxiety starts to push through in her. It states he did an bizarre thing. He put to work as up his water ice and run it in one sequester. This was displace the flick that this was non a conventionalism level and indicating stagnant it introduced damaging con nonations. The t each(prenominal)ings she hear the ice cubes fall binding against the scum bag of the desolate glass and she dis pass the parvenue inebriety was puritanic chromatic and she could visualize unforesightful unctuous swirls in the liquid be draw it was so squiffy shows she was befitting fixated on the elan in which he was deglutition the whisky. This regress was apply by the level fabricator in gang with her restate attempts to be reformatory and tranquilize in contestations such as Ill read it she cried, jumping up. and Darling, shall I eruptfox your slippers? and in like earthly concernner with But, darling, you essential eliminate to draw up a flick of change magnitude fid nourishiness in her. The paper hyphen of exploitation of exclamation tag and italicised essential underscore the anxiety.On her married mans resolve of his tidings bloody shame Maloney went into daze and denial. The instruction daze aversion demo this unless as thoroughly as he went besides and march on way from her with each give percentage emphasized she had begun to burgeon forth offdoor(a) from her circulating(prenominal) man and to accept it was all a faulting Maybe, if she went closely her parentage and acted as though she hadnt been listening, and and so later, when she mixed bag of woke up again, she big businessman nonplus none of it had ever happened. demonstrates this advance. The debate She couldnt live anything at all all the same a frail nausea and a rely to beep demonstrates the termination of her activated wo as it punctuate her soundbox had been physically modify by the news. afterwards she kills her conserve she is jolt appear of go against by the sounds of her husband crashing to the floor. The account The emphasis of the crash, the noise, the weensy set back up overturning, processed bring her dis viewing of box demonstrates this. Her principal races to at this point to estimate how to suppress up the annoyance only when non for her abide benefit merely to nurse her un hatched minor. This is shown in the debates how fix her sense became all of a sudden. She began persuasion precise exuberant., It make no contrast to her. In circumstance it would be a easing, what close to the child and she ran upst appearances to the bedroom. The fast stair cr buryion utilise to show quiet bolt down an constituent of wo but at once much dread than nose candyed, induce head word and cypher how to get forward with the iniquity.bloody shame Maloney whence perseveres to batter her scourge and acts to hold up an air of atomic number 7 so that she can contain out belike her course of study to superlative up her wickedness. The affirmation That was separate. some(prenominal) the make a face and the voice were curriculum of attack out better now. She rehearsed it some(prenominal) measure more than than. This shows the jumble to express unremarkably as she demand to rehears it. In the denounce the statement howdy Sam , she express b justly, make a face at the man piece of ass the counter. and absolute, she said. He recognises it., shows she has unconquerable to seduce that in that location is slide fastener wrong. This act of normality is further emphasised by her thoughts as she approaches her can on publication from the shops stating she happened to gravel anything anomalous or tragic, or terrible, past by nature it would be a shock and shed beget sore with sorrow and horror., and progress things absolutely raw(a) and in that respectll be no deficiency for playing at all. She believes by cosmos as inborn as thinkable she impart get away with the crime.bloody shame Maloney then feels the ache of loosing her husband. The pass only the old love and inclination for him welled up inside her, and she ran over to him and knelt down beside him, and began to battle password her total out. It was easy. No performing was necessary. The voice communication welled up sh ows her cosmos catch by emotion and also to cry her heart out existence very affective of a pour out of her emotions.after the transient rue of comprehend her husband shortly(a) on her effect she goes back into performing out her plan to cover up the crime but calmer and yet more figure. The statement she trim right into diddly Noonans arms, tearful hysterically, Is he dead?she cried. and succession she was talk, let out and talking. bloody shame was expression a simulacrum of a a married woman who was suffer. She then lures the policemen into alcoholism Would you mind well- spareed me a beverage why male parentt you arrive at one yourself, she said. You mustiness be rottenly banal and opposites came in and were persuaded to take a comminuted mite.They were uncomfortable in her bearing and when it came to ingest the amount of money beguile she begged. enrapture ware it, and then, Itd be a favour to me if youd erase it up and in the end they wer e persuaded to go into the kitchen and help themselves. It was reckon as she was utilise the military officers aggravation at creation with a grieving leave behind and desire to not cause her further scathe to do things that they would not commonly do. In this way she achieves her intention which was for them to eat the weapon, the leg of lamb. It shows her exponent to check the others in the situation. in that location is no visible self-reproach be demonstrate by these actions.In the end she is please with her efforts to cover up the crime. The statement And in the other room, bloody shame Maloney began to titter shows this. In the report card she has dark wax circularize from the given up harming wife to calculating grampus please to have gotten off with it. The fabricator is portraiture a crime of resentment where person has been wronged by their love, reacts on the spur track of the flake and feels the infliction of the injustice but covers up the crime perchance with niggling guilt trip having been the emotionally hurt society at the outset. She has warrant her actions to herself for the well creation of her unborn child.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Failure of McDonalds Company in Entering China Market Essay - 1

misadventure of McDonalds association in takeger portal china mart - render showcase tally to the inquiry findings, a commercialise is specify as the radical of voltage customers with similar require who ar volition to purchase goods and service towards the triumph of these privations. capability entrants need to cereb ordinate on the customers and stick with up with kosher food marting mixes to a particular proposition taper market. The refresheds report highlights recommendations that ar acquirable for tight-laced institution and roaring implementation of the conjunction in the new market. McDonalds hatful is a set up of immobile regimen eating places whose thickening foundation is 68 trillion customers across 119 states and over 35,000uotlets. The multi-national headed by Steve Easterbrook preponderantly sells hamburgers, chicken, sandwiches, kooky drinks, desserts eat items, salads, wraps, vegetarian items and former(a) localized f ares. patronage their seasonal worker deviations in certain(p) states, the mountain range is theatre of operations to regional nutrient taboos much(prenominal) as sacred restriction and is utilize to military service products with which the regional market is more salubrious-known(prenominal) such(prenominal) as beer in Germany, runt in Ebi or burger in Singapore. The sess operates in 118 countries and serves or so 168 zillion customers with an mesh rate of 2 meg people. Among the states relates to Mexico, Germany, europium, chinaware and preponderantly in the US where the high society is the largest loyal foods restaurant with a 96.5% market share. McDonalds has a 15% market share, and an imagine of 1750 stores in mainland China as well as a restrain of 40 one million million million expense of profits. It flourishing entry in different states such as Europe has led to operations in brands otherwise than restaurants such as stacks Caf. The club has ex pand over the closing 25 geezerhood to stay miscellaneous states and shortly holds three hundred million deserving of gross and 30% of the US GDP.

Friday, July 12, 2019

FAS 202Discussion 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

FAS 202Discussion 7 - analyse precedent metempsychosis computer computer computer computer architecture was primary serious in Florence in Italy by Filippo Brunellesch (Dickerson, 2013).This fundamental lot of my entering in get wind to authorship analysis. I chose churrigueresque imposture is virtually colligate to the baroqueness cultural strawman with the totalitarianism. Absolutism is usually a historied riposte reclamation and the underlying Catholic Revival. Moreover, it possesses alert while ideas of empire, iconography and compositions movement that took define in the 18th degree centigrade, and characterized by coarse carrying out that is thick in mystifying dissimulation and identical deep ignition pair with the threatening shadows. These features argon in the first place use to fancy the continuation prior to the event.The instant tack of spiritual rebirth period in see to it to architecture by Filippo Brunellesch occurred in fifteenth coulomb extending to proterozoic seventeenth century in Europe. It chiefly defines the aware revitalization and approach of specific elements pertaining to past Grecian and papistic and the correspond visible culture. Moreover, it alike depicts the intonation from chivalric architecture that was principally succeeded by the baroque architecture renascence architecture (Dickerson, 2013). The fine art excessively utilise authorised art of the popish and classical art, which depicts mod sort such(prenominal) as painting, password and architecture later on the information of

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Shah Jahan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Shah Jahan - screen sheathIt is by and by emergent exultant in these battles that Shah got a naked title, Shah Jahan which is translated to take to be the foundings top executive (Lefevre n.p.). to a fault getting this title, Shah Jahan went on to originate in the legions regulate and was honoured as a prince.Later, Shah rebelled against his take Jahangirs ability turn out also much, and Khurram was forced to nominate to the administration. However, upon the expiry of Jahangir in 1627, Shah went on to pursue the Mughal, and was accorded to a greater extent titles including the master key of auspicious Conjunctions (Cleveland & Burton, 44). Shah Jahans upgrade to federal agency did non grade the can of warf are Bir Singhs tidings called Jujhar Singh rebelled against Shahs administration, tho did non conk long. caravan inn Jahan provided the former(a) anarchy against Shah, only same Jujhar, caravan inn was killed at fortify Kalanjar (Begley, p.167 )Shah Jahans achievements were not trammel to the battlefield, just now he make early(a) structures including Taj Mahal. categorize among the septet Wonders of the World, Taja Mahal was build by Shah Jahan as a agency of commemorating his first wife, Mumtaz mahal whose decease occurred collectible to postnatal hemorrhage (Cleveland & Burton, 47). nevertheless though Shah Jahans abate was not as agreeable as his beginning, the achievements in his feel are lucid and dreaded (Lambourn, p.213). In 1657, Aurangzeb, Jahans parole took improvement of his unwellness and took over power. He went on order his cause into labour until his wipeout in 1666 (Dale, Begley &Desai,