Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Color :: essays research papers

What is Color?You are wondering what it is to be a likeness? Are you a color if you paint yourself white? Is color just an exterior or is it an interior as well? Is the color you are on the outside, the color you are on the inside? Think about it this way, many multitude in our culture pretend to be something that they are not, just some other white man, or just another black man. The fact of life is that you are what you are, and that you cannot, excluding major reconstructive surgery change what you look like. So fundamentally pull out your box of Crayolas and color yourself whatever color you want to be, because everybody is different in their own way. As Websters dictionary explains, color is defined 10 different ways. First color can be defined as a visual attribute of bodies or substances that depends upon spectral composition of the simulating the retina and its associated anxious structures. So basically what I am trying to say is that no one color is exactly the same i n anyones eye. But is it fair to judge a book by its cover, or is it fair to assume that every Twinkie has a different flavored filling, so to speak. In our school alone it is unattackable to say that there are roughly seventy-five different cultural backgrounds and probably ten different main sects of religion. But its unfortunate that people even today are judged by the color of their skin and not the content of their character as Martin Luther King Jr. has said. Even though this is unfeigned I feel that it is equally bad that we as a nation chemical group people together stereotyping one person in a group as all the people in a group. So in order to reach new heights as a nation we mustiness come together to show that color isnt everything, and in fact color isnt anything at all.

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