Sunday, March 17, 2019

Learning to Become Literate :: essays research papers fc

Learning to Become LiterateIn any literate person society, plenty constantly see the best way to teach children how to read and print so that the younger generation can become fully surgical procedure members of that society. (Savage 15) This is obviously an authorized goal of any society that wants their children to be fountainhead educated and succeed in the world. Learning to be literate is a very important developmental milestone that is recognized cross-cultur on the wholey. Its social richness is denominaten in the fact that in school literacy makes up 2/3 of the three Rs. (Savage 15)When becoming literate the most important thing a child can learn is that they can in fact learn in the way their school wants them to. They can be part of the school society and feel like they fit in with their friends who use literacy to communicate and play. The bond between the teacher and the taught is strengthened exploration, discovery, inspiration and achievement expand and flouris h. (Meek 1) Reading and writing opens up a invigorated world of opportunities for children and therefore is continuous research being done in order to ensure that the best methods of teaching our children are implemented. However studies show that a large portion of this milestone occurs sooner egg pedagogics is ever begun. (McLane and McNamee 4) 2The fact that we wait so long to starting to teach our children literacy is absurd. Teaching reading and writing should be done to all children in solar day care facilities, child development centers as puff up as head start programs and preschools. We cannot however just take the programs presently used in first grade classes and apply them to children in day cares and preschools. These would be developmentally inappropriate. (Strickland and Morrow 5) The program used for these younger learners must be based around meaningful activities that involve reading and writing in a wide variety of ways. The children should want to partici pate in the literate society that they are surrounded by everyday in their classroom, star sign and community. If this is accomplished there will automatically be a alliance between literacy and experience, which is very beneficial to the learning process. Most importantly in the early childhood literacy curriculum that we apply the focus should always be on the childs learning and not on the teaching. (6)Since a large portion of learning to become literate occurs prior to formal education parents need to be aware of what they can do before their children reach school age.

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